Sunday 11 December 2011

WHY Fanbox??

Fanbox is the revolution that the world is going to witness in the near future.. It has the same capability as Steve Jobs Apple technology had, and the same as Bill Gates Microsoft, both of which are undoubtedly the most renowned revolutions of the century in terms of technology. A computer which used to occupy a space of a big room has shrunk to the size of our palms. Fancy,Eh ? 

It was highly expected that because of these inventions  , world would have set its way on a more peaceful and harmonious way. But is that happening  ? A big and a capital NO is the answer. 

You see people coming out on streets to protest against the governments..You see them jobless,helpless and in a desperate need of money. Poor people starve to death everyday.. Farmers commit suicide.. Students are unable to pay their tuitions..Unemployment rates are increasing significantly..Considerable increase in inflation rate..Substantial growth of crime rate.. Hence, the problems the world is facing are endless. 

Okay,so let's first find out the problem. By looking deeply and contemplating , one may find that the root of these causes is that 'money is not being reached to the working class as efficiently and adequately as it should be'. They are producing more and getting less! 

Some wise guys came up with a solution to this problem. At first they might not have thought this big , they created Fanbox as just another social networking site..which would give a portion of earnings to their users. No wonder facebook gets $1 Billion each day for displaying ads!!  Time passed, ideas matured...In the meantime,problems evolved,fanbox started looking different and unique from many aspects. ( Here , I mean different in a positive way ) They support numerous charitable causes,give you money, entertain you , keep you busy ( for them who are suffering from boredom ), provides you with knowledge...etc etc..I mean,what else do you need ? Is this less than a learning institution? Of course , not.. :) 
And oh yeah, not to forget that it also facilitates us with all those activities that Facebook and Twitter provide..(sharing photos,comments,socialising and interaction) The 'Poking another user' is only missing , I guess. . :D Nevertheless , it is far better than Facebook..and that's my unbiased opinion because the moral courage it gives to student like me is sublime. Not that I have cashed any of my earnings, but the feeling of  "I've got something" is great...the sense of possession is unexplainable.. 
I started with many 'earn on-line' projects..which included Clixsense and many other PTC(pay to click) websites..I had to spend an hour or more for some cents..Later, I realised I was not making what I deserved and then left those. 
I found Fanbox..thought it was as greedy as any other website.. but as I mention above that when earnings started rolling in, I was ecstatic and decided to become a permanent member.That's my little story. :)
I would like to end my blog with a line which will summarise Fanbox and its motive and the 'WHY' of Fanbox.. 
"I chose(and you should) fanbox because in fanbox Money is the attraction , helping others is the motive , and REVOLUTION is the mission.."  
P.S Below is the video I made for the contest.